maandag 25 maart 2019

20190325 - FvD

Vandaag ondertekent FVD-leider Thierry Baudet in Parijs een intentieverklaring om na de Europese Parlementsverkiezingen op 23 mei 2019 een groot eurosceptisch blok te gaan vormen met eurokritische partijen uit heel Europa. Doel is om de vorming van een Europese superstaat te stoppen. 

Baudet: ‘Tot nu toe waren de eurosceptische krachten in Brussel hopeloos verdeeld. Daardoor lukte het de fanatici - Verhofstadt, Juncker, Timmermans - om alsmaar meer macht te centraliseren en de nationale staten te ondermijnen. Na 23 mei moeten we de handen ineen slaan en ‘blokkerende minderheden’ vormen. Voor het eerst bestaat er nu een kans dat we niet alsmaar ‘meer EU’ krijgen, maar minder.’

Op de bijeenkomst in Parijs zijn onder meer afgevaardigden van eurosceptische partijen uit Frankrijk, Polen, Tsjechië, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Nederland, België, Italië , Bulgarije Letland en Finland aanwezig. Ook FVD-lijsttrekker voor het Europees Parlement Derk Jan Eppink is bij de bijeenkomst. 

Eppink: “In het Europees Parlement vormen nationale partijen Europese fracties. De VVD zit in de groep van Verhofstadt, het CDA in de groep van Juncker en Merkel. Al hun verkiezingsbeloftes zullen om die reden loze woorden blijven. FVD vormt bij de verkiezingen op 23 mei het enige realistische alternatief.”

vrijdag 4 januari 2019

20190104 - klimaatakkoord

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Ontwerp Klimaatakkoord klaar

Het ontwerp van het Klimaatakkoord is klaar. Daarmee ligt er een omvangrijk samenhangend pakket waarmee Nederland in 2030 de uitstoot van CO2 met ten minste 49 procent kan terugdringen.De komende maanden rekent het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) de afspraken door.

donderdag 3 januari 2019

20190103 - klimaattop katowice

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Klimaattop in Katowice: elk land zijn eigen smoes

 De komende twee weken bespreken de ondertekenaars van ‘Parijs 2015’ hun afspraken. Is de wil er wel om de opwarming van de aarde een halt toe te roepen?



woensdag 2 januari 2019

20190102 - climate change conference 2015

2015 Climate Conference.svg

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11 was held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 12 December 2015. It was the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties (CMP) to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
The conference negotiated the Paris Agreement, a global agreement on the reduction of climate change, the text of which represented a consensus of the representatives of the 196 parties attending it. The agreement will enter into force when joined by at least 55 countries which together represent at least 55 percent of global greenhouse emissions. On 22 April 2016 (Earth Day), 174 countries signed the agreement in New York,  and began adopting it within their own legal systems (through ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession).


dat het allemaal mag gebeuren........................ op de goede manier

maandag 7 mei 2018

20180502 - t woudt

't Woudt is a small village in the Dutch province of South Holland. It is located about 5 km southwest of the city of Delft, in the municipality of Midden-Delfland.
't Woudt (then spelled "'t Woud") was a separate municipality between 1812 and 1817, when it was divided into Groeneveld, Hoog en Woud Harnasch, and a part that merged with Hof van Delft.

vrijdag 20 april 2018

20180420 - tess

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Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a space telescope for NASA's Explorers program, designed to search for exoplanets using the transit method in an area 400 times larger than that covered by the Kepler mission. It was launched on April 18, 2018 atop a Falcon 9 rocket. During its primary mission, it is expected to find more than 20,000 exoplanets, compared to about 3,800 exoplanets known when it launched.
The primary mission objective for TESS is to survey the brightest stars near the Earth for transiting exoplanets over a two-year period. The TESS project will use an array of wide-field cameras to perform a survey of 85% of the sky. With TESS, it will be possible to study the mass, size, density and orbit of a large cohort of small planets, including a sample of rocky worlds in the habitable zones of their host stars. TESS will provide prime targets for further characterization by the James Webb Space Telescope, as well as other large ground-based and space-based telescopes of the future. While previous sky surveys with ground-based telescopes have mainly detected giant exoplanets, TESS will examine a large number of small planets around the nearest stars in the sky. TESS will record the nearest and brightest main sequence stars hosting transiting exoplanets, which are the most favorable targets for detailed investigations.
TESS will use a novel highly-elliptical orbit with an apogee approximately at the distance of the Moon and a perigee of 108,000 km, above the geosynchronous satellites. TESS will orbit Earth twice during the time the Moon orbits once, a 2:1 resonance with the Moon.The orbit is expected to remain stable for a minimum of 10 years.
Led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with seed funding from Google, TESS was one of 11 proposals selected for NASA funding in September 2011, down from the original 42 submitted in February of that year. On April 5, 2013, it was announced that TESS, along with the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), had been selected for launch